Some interesting Canadian law school news of late:

Senior women lawyers 'vastly underrepresented'
Law Times, Canada - 18 Dec 2006
Currently, 56 per cent of law school graduates are women and those high numbers have been around for quite a few years, but as McCarthy Tétrault LLP's ...

Michael Geist's year-end roundup, Canada - 18 Dec 2006
L is for the LSAT, the standardized test required for admission to virtually every law school in Canada. The LSAT attracted heated criticism after it was ...

The power and relevance of Ojibway sacred stories
News@UofT, Canada - 22 Nov 2006
Johnston was the first female aboriginal law student and first aboriginal law professor at the Faculty of Law. She is featured in a special Women ...

Watch YouTube video and help find killer
Electric New Paper - 6 hours ago
VIDEO-SHARING website YouTube has now become an unconventional crime-fighter in Canada, triggering alarms over police intrusion. This still image from a one-minute video upload on the YouTube website by Canadian police shows people entering a bar in ...

Fly in Water Bottle case overturned
there is justice after all

Tony Merchant is an inspiration
Residential Schools settlement approved.

Video about Stupid Law Students...
Part 1:

Part 2:

Blink! and The Tipping Point

I have recently finished reading The Tipping Point, a book by Malcolm Gladwell. I really, really enjoyed this book. I haven't enjoyed a book this much in quite a while. I started reading his first book, Blink! today, and love it already. I'll write more about it later.

The Tipping Point really got me thinking about ways in which I can build up both my law practice, as well as my publishing business. I think that other lawyers could really benefit from reading this book, and that law students should try to read it before going into practice. The book is essentially about how to disseminate an idea or a product or a service in a way that will make everybody want to be a part of that idea or product or service. Mr. Gladwell has a wonderful way of taking very complex ideas and making them approachable. I appreciated his real-life examples of Tipping Point phenomena. This kind of book is excellent for expanding one's mind, and should be on the required reading list of any professional.

The Tinkerbell Syndrome

You've got to check out Tinkerbell Syndrome - a relatively new blawg by Carissa Browning from Calgary. It is the freshest Canadian legal-related blog I have seen in a long time. Her recent posts are hilarious, in my opinion. Her latest is a parody on the Star Wars intro, poking fun at Property Law. Ahhh...I remember those days when I would day dream in Property Law. I don't remember anything about the law we were learning, but I do remember the day dreams...

Also, for those who are just embarking on their law school career/application, check out Law Target, a blog by Essien from Toronto. He is currently in the process of choosing which law school to go to (he was accepted by three, last count), and it will be interesting to see how his life progresses.
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