Lawyer Gone Bad

Oh man, I am pissed!

Yesterday, I received my Macleans magazine. Title in yellow bold on the front cover: "Lawyers are Rats".

Then, on the same day, I received in the mail from Penguin Group a hardcover version of the book "LAWYER GONE BAD, MONEY SEX AND MADNESS IN CANADAS LEGAL PROFESSION" by Philip Slayton, along with a press release.

The article in the Macleans magazine is an interview with Slayton, a long-time lawyer, law professor and former law school dean. I read it when I got home, and I am not happy. Not happy at all.

I will provide more comments once I read the article again, and once I read the book.

I have no idea why I received the book. I never asked for it. I'm not sure if it is because I am a lawyer, because I subscribe to Macleans or because I am also involved in the publishing business.

I noticed that as of today, Sales Rank for this book is #26 in Books.

Apparently the Canadian Bar Association provided a response, and it was published in the August 13 issue of Macleans. Macleans has posted a response to their complaints. I think Macleans has its dates all mixed up, as it is only August 2 today...I need to read the response by the CBA and the counter-response by Macleans.

I'll comment more, believe me.
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