University of British Columbia set to begin construction on Faculty of Law building in 2009

Here's some exciting law school news:

Feb. 15, 2008

Construction is expected to get under way in 2009 on a new Faculty of Law building on the Vancouver campus of the University of British Columbia.

Designed by the Toronto-based firm of Diamond + Schmitt Architects, the 13,500-square-metre facility is intended to meet the needs of a new generation of law students and legal researchers.

Situated adjacent to the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts and framing one of two principal gates into the campus, the building will replace the existing school, currently housed in two aging structures...

The new building provides space for more than 50 faculty members, 600 undergraduate and 100 graduate students. It includes contemporary classroom designs, more student service spaces, a moot court, a larger Law Library and new research spaces...

Read more here.
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