New residence planned for Osgoode students

Written by Renata Valz, Production Associate, Excalibur online
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Some students protest residence relocation

York University will be implementing a housing initiative next academic year that will provide a dedicated residence community for Osgoode students.

The new initiative came after Patrick Monahan, dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, did a tour of six American law schools in the fall as part of a renovation plan for Osgoode.

“In the process of those meetings, we realized that a number of law schools had their own residence facilities for law students,” Monahan said.“We were told that this had proven to be a very attractive option for the students and that it had increased the acceptance rate of students accepting offers that were made by the school.”

Upon the dean’s return, he and his team investigated whether a dedicated law school residence would be feasible.

According to Monahan, consultation with students proved favourable.

“The students felt it would be a very desirable option.”

Read the whole article here.
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