Updated online CANS / outlines

I haven't kept up as well as I should in tracking down law school outlines or CANS. Here's what I know about. I also have a bunch that I collected during my law school years, and I am happy to email them to you upon request.

UVic Law Student Resources—Student Outlines


Lots of first year and upper year CANS, updated yearly

Queen’s Law Students Outlines Site


This was by far the most comprehensive site, with the best quality CANS, in my opinion. However, as of this second edition, it can no longer be found on the Internet. You may want to do some work to track it down, because it was so great when I was in law school

University of Calgary—Women in Law


A large selection of first, second and third year CANS

UBC Law Students’ Association CANS


CANS used to be provided on an as-is basis. This was a very good site. However, as of this edition it no longer exists. Perhaps you can track it down with some work

Ed Chan—Outlines


Intended for University of Manitoba Students, but some very useful CANS for every law student

Melanie’s Law Notes http://www.geocities.com/melanie_lawnotes/

A few good sets of notes here

If you have any further sources, please let me know so that I can post them here.
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