Goodbye to Robin Penker

A really good friend of mine died last week in a mountain climbing accident. I am really saddened by the loss of Robin Penker. He was one of the first people that I met in law school. He was an outstanding law student and lawyer. He was on the editorial board of the Alberta Law Review when I was Editor in Chief, and he always did excellent work.

I hiked with Robin and did some scrambles with him. He died doing a scramble by himself in Kananaskis. We will probably never know what happened. He was on Mt. Kidd. They had a hard time finding him because he didn't tell anyone where he was going.

Robin was a lawyer at FMC, and then in a firm in the Maritimes. He then went to work in-house, and was recently on a sabbatical. He traveled to South America and Europe.

He was just an outstanding person, and I am going to miss him very, very much.

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Friends of Kananaskis Country (

I have information about memorial services if you know Robin and would like to attend.
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