
Dear Adam,

I recently came across your blog, specifically your post of July 15th entitled "Leaving the Law". Given the nature of that post and your blog, I thought your readers would be interested in knowing about our new job posting blog for Canadian lawyers.

You can visit us at: www.AlternativeLawJob.com

Our blog focuses on a growing and under served group within the legal community, namely:

Lawyers who are seeking alternative career opportunities both inside and outside the legal profession.

Our site ONLY posts the following types of opportunities:

* In-house, government and non-profit counsel positions;
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To ensure that our visitors have access to the largest number of career opportunities, posting jobs on our site is absolutely free (our editorial staff reviews and approves each job posting before it is published to ensure that it is relevant for our audience).

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about our website.


Stephen Fine

Founder – AlternativeLawJob.com
Alternative Law Job
email: contact@alternativelawjob.com
website: www.alternativelawjob.com
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