Back in the Saddle

Ok, so I have taken a hiatus from this blog since July. Can't blame me too got in the way. A brief update:

I sold my publishing company (Writing on Stone Press) on July 1, 2008 to a group out of British Columbia. Some of you might not have made the connection that the publisher of my book was owned by the author. We put out a Canadian Career Series that will continue, along with a number of other titles. My previous life before law school was in publishing.

Anyways, it is nice to be free of the responsibilities of owning a side business. I have been able to focus on my law practice and my family, which has been really great. I even went on a family holiday, much to my children's delight.

The economy has started to shift, and that has meant a shift in my practice. Less real estate. More divorce. Kind of funny, if you think about it. Still doing lots of wills and estate administration, which I really enjoy.

Well, I will try to keep this blog active and current going forward...

Thanks for your ongoing support.
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