Damage control. Yes. That's how some Filipinos see the latest moves of certain sectors in the legal profession and the judiciary.
Press releases and manifestos are now coming out left and right, invoking "technical due process" (and conveniently ignoring the universal moral concept of "delicadeza") to shield the job security of the Supreme Court justice whose integrity has been sullied by the poison of alleged plagiarism.
As an example, read below the news item that appeared in the Supreme Court website last week in defense of the honor of the justice concerned.
Why is the Supreme Court very fast in condemning other public servants facing suits before it related to graft, corruption, and immorality, as well as issues of transparency and accountability, almost bordering on a holier-than-thou attitude ... and yet when it comes to its own turf and its own members, the public sees no priority action being given to the inherent, natural and ethical precept of delicadeza?
If I were the justice concerned, I would voluntary resign to save the Court from further institutional injury in the minds of the Filipinos.
Our justices must remember that the administration of justice in the country is a matter of symbolisms and perceptions, just like politics itself.
Image matters.
Trust is a matter of impression, perception, attitude, image and symbolism.
That is precisely why nature, history and philosophy invented the concept of DELICADEZA.
Lawyers Call for Sobriety on Alleged Plagiarism Issue
August 12, 2010; By Jay B. Rempillo
Various prominent lawyers took the cudgels for the Supreme Court as they called for sobriety on the alleged plagiarism issue while awaiting for the result of the investigation of the SC Ethics Committee.
In a statement, Ateneo Law School Dean Cesar L. Villanueva said that the SC’s Ethics Committee has assumed proper jurisdiction over the matter and that the public “should abide by the findings and its recommendations to the Supreme Court en banc.”
“Any call or demand for the resignation of Mr. Justice Del Castillo at this time when the committee has just began its work is not fair, and prejudges the case against a Justice of the Republic even before he has been given the constitutional right to defend himself. It also undermines in the public’s mind the results, findings and recommendations of the committee,” Dean Villanueva said.
In his Facebook account, Fr. Joaquin Bernas said that: “There is a call from quarters for Justice Mariano del Castillo to resign because of a charge of plagiarism. But the case is with the Supreme Court now. Let us wait for the verdict of the Court. Like everyone else, Justice del Castillo is entitled to due process.”
Former Pamantansan ng Lungsod ng Maynila College of Law Dean Ernesto L. Pineda described as “premature” the call of UP Professors led by Dean Marvic Leonen of the UP College of Law for the resignation of Justice Mariano del Castillo.
“It is improper to put pressure upon the Committee in the performance of its duties. The situation is akin to a subjudice matter. The Committee resolution must first be awaited which we understand, would be submitted to the Supreme Court en banc for appropriate action….The Committee is in the best position to evaluate the issue of whether or not there is plagiarism. The concurrence of the members of the Committee to the Vinuya decision is not material because plagiarism was not an issue when they decided the case. Expectedly, the Committee will limit itself to the issue of plagiarism without touching on the merits of the case regarding the pending motion for reconsideration in the case,” Dean Pineda said.
Meanwhile, Philippine Constitutional Assembly (Philconsa) President Manuel “Lolong” Lazaro said that the uploading in the internet of the alleged plagiarism “to place the ponente, the Court and the country in a bad light before the whole world” has caused and will continue to cause embarrassment and ill perceptions of the Supreme Court and its justices, the integrity of the legal profession and our country. The uploading in the internet has unduly brought into disrepute the honesty, integrity and competence of the Supreme Court.
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