Good artice on the funeral picketing case (Snyder v. Phelps)

Although the behavior of Phelps and his group is certainly obnoxious and offensive, the First Amendment protects it. Unless it falls within certain specific exceptions, even obnoxious, offensive speech is protected. Phelps' First Amendment activity falls under none of the exceptions. For Phelps to lose, the Court would have to make up a new exception. If it does so, then do we start down the slippery slope? Further, the facts are not as bad as one might expect. Phelps held the protest on public property, completely followed all police directives and laws, and the demonstration was not visible or audible to Snyder and the funeral party. Phelps did not enter the church and they stopped the demonstration before the funeral service started. Under current First Amendment law, Phelps wins and the grieving family loses. That's the price we pay as a society for being a free one. See article at LINK
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