Law and Development Review Special Issue (2011): The Law and Development Institute 2010 Inaugural Conference

The 2011 Law and Development Review Special Issue is devoted to the Law and Development Institute Inaugural Conference entitled, “Future of Law and Development, International Trade and Economic Development”, which was held in Sydney, Australia, on the 16th of October, 2010.

Yong-Shik Lee

Export Promotion Policies, Export Composition and Economic Development of Korea
Jai S. Mah

WTO Rules and Agricultural Development Cooperation between Developed and Developing Countries
Won-Mog Choi

International Trade and Development Law: A Legal Cultural Critique
Colin Picker

Special and Differential Treatment, Trade and Sustainable Development
Maureen Irish

International Development Disputes
Tomer Broude

Law and Development in the Islamic World: New Possibilities
Salim Farrar
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