Law Practice Today | July 2011 | Time Management Tips & Technology

Law Practice Today | July 2011 | Time Management Tips & Technology

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Technology To Make Your Life Easier And More Secure
By Ernest Svenson
Quick and easy ways to make your online activities more efficient, less frustrating, and more secure.

7 Great Legal Technology Law Blogs
By Natalie Huha
Knowing what you don't know can be half the battle. Turn to these 7 legal-technology blogs to find out what the pros know.

5 Ways to Create More Available Time
By Chuck Roberts
Does time management seem like something from the science fiction genre? With easy-to-apply, proven techniques, effective time management can be much more like science and a lot less like fiction.

Save Time With Great Greetings and Voicemail Messages
By Dan Pinnington
Voicemail is one of the most basic technologies and is used by just about everyone. So why don't lawyers know how to use it effectively? Do yourself and your callers a favor by putting voicemail to use in the right way.

Redaction in a Digital World
By Rick Borstein
It is possible (and easier than you think) to effectively redact digital records—and avoid being the next news headline of a redaction gone wrong.


How to Capture More Time with Better Timekeeping Habits
By Dan Pinnington
When used properly, electronic timekeeping systems can help you turn time into money.


How to Increase Profitability in a Shaky Economy
By Marylou Steeden
Even in an unfavorable economy, savvy law firms look at both the expense and revenue side of the profitability equation. By focusing on what's really important, lawyers can demonstrate value to their clients and secure the relationships that are critical to financial success."
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