Ten commandments of simplification | Center for Plain Language

Ten commandments of simplification | Center for Plain Language

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Ten commandments of simplification

Irene A. Etzkorn, Simplification Practice Advisor, Siegel+Gale, LLC

If you are inspired by the stories of individuals, companies, and agencies that have successfully achieved simplicity but aren’t a born simplifier yourself, you might wonder what you might do. Start by emulating the traits and practices of those who have the “gift.” After all, if all of life can be lived by complying with just Ten Commandments, it seems fairly certain that simplicity can be achieved through an equally manageable number of rules.

Establish executive support

Value naivete

Bake simplicity in

Create limits

Consider all dimensions of simplicity

Promise simplicity to the marketplace

Customize content

Anticipate needs, don’t just respond

View simplicity as a journey not a destination

Don’t let systems and legal rule

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