Top 12 Tips to Tell if Your Husband is Cheating on You | - JDSupra

Top 12 Tips to Tell if Your Husband is Cheating on You | - JDSupra

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1. Cell Phone. If he got a second cell phone not required by his job, be wary, especially if the bills go to his office. If he abruptly leaves the room and closes the door whenever a friend calls and he has hushed conversations – these are tip-offs. Notice if says “I’ll call you back” when he’s not busy. Pay attention if he’s defensive when you ask him who he was talking to. If you can examine his cell phone, check the call log for numbers he calls repeatedly and learn how to reverse look up cell phone numbers. Be sure to examine sent text messages – you may have to takes steps to undelete text messages.

2. Computer. Email can be a dead giveaway – just review the inbox and sent emails. Google him and see what he says in his online profile, especially on Facebook. Be wary if he recently changed his password or has password-protected parts of his computer he won’t let you see. If he has nothing to hide, then why the secrecy? If he is spending a lot of time online late at night, inquire about it. Click on “history” in the web browser and see what sites he’s visited, like online dating or “married but looking” sites.

3. Bank statements, his check register and credit card bills. It costs money to cheat. Be alert if he is spending money on flowers, jewelry and gifts that you didn’t get. Look for charges at restaurants, hotels and unfamiliar stores where you weren’t present, or when he wasn’t on a business trip. A stay at a local hotel is a red flag. Check the statements and bills online if you don’t have a printed copy. Look for unfamiliar charges and call the credit card company to find out more.

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