Gov. Chris Christie's attacks undermine integrity, impartiality of judiciary |

Gov. Chris Christie's attacks undermine integrity, impartiality of judiciary |

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In the Declaration of Independence, America’s colonists, seeking to free themselves from the tyranny of King George III of England, grieved that the monarch “has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.”

The parallels between England’s tyrannical monarch and Gov. Chris Christie are remarkable. Soon after taking office, Christie, taking unprecedented action, refused to reappoint Justice John Wallace Jr. to the New Jersey Supreme Court. The move was unrelated to the justice’s qualifications, but rather because, in Christie’s view, the Supreme Court has been “out of control” for three decades, usurping power from the Legislature and governor. Christie’s comments sent an unmistakable message to untenured judges: Decide cases as I want them decided or risk losing your job.

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