How Much Money Do Supreme Court Justices Make? |

How Much Money Do Supreme Court Justices Make? |

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Types of supreme court justices
There are two types of supreme court justices, the U.S. Supreme Court justices and the state supreme court justices. The U.S. Supreme Court justices preside over the highest court in the country, while the state supreme court justices preside over the highest court in their state. With the exception of New York, whose highest court is its court of appeals, a state's highest court is its state supreme court.

United States Chief Justice
The chief justice of the United States is one of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices. The chief justice is the highest judicial officer in the country, and earns $223,500 a year.

Associate Justices
The associate justices are the remaining eight U.S. Supreme Court justices. Each makes $213,900 a year.

State supreme court Justices
Depending on the state, the average salary of a state supreme court justice ranges from $112,530 to $218,237 a year.

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