In an article by a writer for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (on the need for armed groups in Libya to disarm in order to restore order) the author wrote:
"Disarmament in any context is never an issue of weapons reduction, but rather a social contract between the people and its government." Yes, there is too much violence in post-revolutionary Libya, but when government disarms unpopular groups for racist or political motives alone, is that also part of the "social contract?" Do you really think whomever emerges in power in Libya is going to disarm their allies? Are the assuredly going after their political enemies with equal vigor?. I don't think most of us are naive to beleive that, esp. given the political history of the Middle East. Notice the writer says "in any context." I object to those 3 words.
I guess the Klansmen, Southern Sheriffs and state judges who disarmed the freedmen in the Reconstruction South and later were doing this pursuant to a social contract of which the freedmen and their descendants were parties? Were the Armenians part of the "social contract," with the Ottoman Empire who disarmed them and then committed one of the worlds' worst genocides? What planet are the folks at the Endowment from?
I tried to leave a comment but the comment wouldn't go through. ("Your comment has not been posted. This usually means something unexpected occurred. Use the back button and try again")I tried again and tried to check their comment policy but the link to the policy didn't work. I gave up. I love these websites that pretend to be interested in feedback. I guess when you know it all and are sure your ideological position is the only rational one, you don't need feedback. This is the kind of mentality that believes that government is a nice, warm cuddly blanket that will take care of everyone and never attempts to treat anyone unfairly or abuse their rights. Government will create a paradise on earth! These folks are dangerous! One of the reasons left-wing authoritarianism is so dangerous and popular is that it hides under a warm, cuddly blanket. At least the Jews in Germany 1933-45 knew what they were up against!
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