Corona in a no-win situation | Inquirer Opinion

Corona in a no-win situation | Inquirer Opinion

Neil Cruz' column:

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There would be a crisis only if the Supreme Court goes out of bounds and issues a TRO against the impeachment court.

But can the Supreme Court stop the impeachment court from doing its duty? The Constitution is very clear on this: the Senate shall have the sole power to try impeachment cases without stopping. No one can interfere, not even the Supreme Court.

Besides, the impeachment court is not under the jurisdiction of the tribunal. It is not under the jurisdiction of any other branch of the government. It is not part of the Judiciary. It exists on its own, it is special and independent.

Under such conditions, can the Supreme Court ethically entertain those petitions? Wouldn’t it be highly unethical for the magistrates to meddle in an impeachment case where the accused is one of their own, in fact, their chief, who, like most of them, were appointed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who is now under detention for electoral sabotage and graft?

Suppose the Supreme Court issues a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the impeachment court and the latter refuses to obey it because the impeachment court is not under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? How will the latter enforce its TRO against the impeachment court? Cite all the senators for contempt? How will the Supreme Court enforce that?

And suppose Corona, with the TRO as excuse, refuses to participate in his trial so that the truth will not come out, what will happen to him?

The impeachment court can declare him in default and continue to receive evidence from the prosecution. With no contrary evidence, Corona would surely be convicted and ousted from office. He is in a no-win situation.

The sensible thing for him to do is to quit now while the quitting is good. If he wants to save the nation from a constitutional crisis and from dividing into two opposing camps, he should resign and ride into the sunset. What a statesmanly statement that would make. Then he would be remembered more kindly by the nation and the history books will even praise him.

x x x."
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