G.R. No. 164197
"x x x.
The Securities Regulation Code treats investment contracts as “securities” that have to be registered with the SEC before they can be distributed and sold. An investment contract is a contract, transaction, or scheme where a person invests his money in a common enterprise and is led to expect profits primarily from the efforts of others.[8]
Apart from the definition, which the Implementing Rules and Regulations provide, Philippine jurisprudence has so far not done more to add to the same. Of course, the United States Supreme Court, grappling with the problem, has on several occasions discussed the nature of investment contracts. That court’s rulings, while not binding in the Philippines, enjoy some degree of persuasiveness insofar as they are logical and consistent with the country’s best interests.[9]
The United States Supreme Court held in Securities and Exchange Commission v. W.J. Howey Co.[10] that, for an investment contract to exist, the following elements, referred to as the Howey test must concur: (1) a contract, transaction, or scheme; (2) an investment of money; (3) investment is made in a common enterprise; (4) expectation of profits; and (5) profits arising primarily from the efforts of others. [11] Thus, to sustain the SEC position in this case, PCI’s scheme or contract with its buyers must have all these elements.
An example that comes to mind would be the long-term commercial papers that large companies, like San Miguel Corporation (SMC), offer to the public for raising funds that it needs for expansion. When an investor buys these papers or securities, he invests his money, together with others, in SMC with an expectation of profits arising from the efforts of those who manage and operate that company. SMC has to register these commercial papers with the SEC before offering them to investors.
Here, PCI’s clients do not make such investments. They buy a product of some value to them: an Internet website of a 15-MB capacity. The client can use this website to enable people to have internet access to what he has to offer to them, say, some skin cream. The buyers of the website do not invest money in PCI that it could use for running some business that would generate profits for the investors. The price of US$234.00 is what the buyer pays for the use of the website, a tangible asset that PCI creates, using its computer facilities and technical skills.
Actually, PCI appears to be engaged in network marketing, a scheme adopted by companies for getting people to buy their products outside the usual retail system where products are bought from the store’s shelf. Under this scheme, adopted by most health product distributors, the buyer can become a down-line seller. The latter earns commissions from purchases made by new buyers whom he refers to the person who sold the product to him. The network goes down the line where the orders to buy come.
The commissions, interest in real estate, and insurance coverage worth P50,000.00 are incentives to down-line sellers to bring in other customers. These can hardly be regarded as profits from investment of money under the Howey test.
The CA is right in ruling that the last requisite in the Howey test is lacking in the marketing scheme that PCI has adopted. Evidently, it is PCI that expects profit from the network marketing of its products. PCI is correct in saying that the US$234 it gets from its clients is merely a consideration for the sale of the websites that it provides.
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