Kleck on the gun control controversy

The nation's leading expert on gun control and gun crime, Florida State Criminology Prof. Gary Kleck notes that neither gun control or increased carrying by ordinary citizens will have any significant impact on gun crime. From the article: Researchers generally "don't find any effect one way or the other. You don't get a Wild West with people shooting each other over fender-benders on the highway, nor the deterrent effect that" gun advocates foretell."People on both sides don't care what the evidence is," Kleck said. "It doesn't have anything to do with why they arrived at their position, and they're not going to be talked out of it." Couldn't have said it better myself. Guns don't make much difference in the big picture. However, they could make a psychological and real-world difference for some law-abiding folks. Further, the Second Amendment right doesn't depend on the overall empirical efficiency of defensive gun use. It's a matter of freedom of choice for law-abiding citizens.
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