I wanted to take this opportunity to openly respond to an
e-mail I received. I know a few observers think I am a rabid conservative and conservative or libertarian ideologue the
way I go after the Obama administration. The reason why I’m going after them is
because they were (and still are) in charge of the White House when I started
the blog. Democrats dominated Congress until the most recent elections. If a Repub. was in the White
House, and/or they were in control of Congress, I’d be hammering them. I take the
U.S. Constitution seriously--it is not a convenient tool to be manipulated by
either the Liberals or Conservatives. I am a cautious libertarian second. The threats to constitutional government and
constitutional rights come from both liberals and conservatives. I opposed Rick Santorum because I saw him as
a threat to constitutional rights. I
opposed Newt Gingrich because I saw him as an unethical, constitutional loose
cannon. I oppose Obama because I personally see him is a threat to constitutional government and
the Bill of Rights (esp. Second and First Amendments). As Lord Acton said, “power corrupts.” It corrupts both the Left and the Right. People of both parties get in the White House and they become control
freaks. As I have said on a number of
occasions, the Supreme Court should have let the recounts continue and finish
before ruling in Bush v. Gore. The Bush administration deceived the American
public on the existence of WMD’s in Iraq. I praised Scalia for his opinion in
Heller. I hate what he is trying to do
to the Fourth Amendment and the exclusionary rule. I generally agree with the liberals on the Court on these issues. On the other hand, the liberals were dead-wrong hypocrites in the Citizen's United case. I praised Alito for his opinion in McDonald,
but believe he was dead wrong in the Westboro Baptist Church case (Snyder v.
Phelps). I believe in all constitutional rights, not just those favored by the
Left or Right. If I am an “ideologue” my
ideology is “Constitutionalism.” The
Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
On policy matters, my view is that such policies, must first be constitutional. Second, they must be rational, and show a concern for human life and dignity. After that, I generally subscribe to a
cautiously libertarian ideology. Libertarianism
is not always going to provide a sensible or reasonable answer (e.g. legalizing
cocaine and heroin). If we don’t feel comfortable as an overall "land of the free and the home of
the brave", we need to change our national anthem.