More propaganda and inaccurate data on SYG and justifiable homicide.
The claim that Florida's SYG law led to a massive increase in justifiable homicides in that state is probably not true/accurate. Of course, those who are anti-gun, anti-self defense and anti-Second Amendment have latched on to this and the Trayvon Martin killing and created a propaganda cottage industry. As the nation's leading expert on gun crimes etc. FSU Prof. Gary Kleck states in the linked article, such rapid increases are much more likely to be the result in changes in statistical and reporting rules/formats than a change in human behavior. Rapid, huge changes in human behavior are usually statistical/reporting quirks. Further, the law rarely causes such large, rapid changes. Most citizens and criminals don't know the law. Sometimes I don't know if it is a lack of sophistication about law/statistics/reporting/human behavior or just plain ideological bias. Suffice it to say that there is a massive propaganda attack underway on the Second Amendment, concealed carry and self-defense.