Justice Tulloch Elevated to Court of Appeal

     On June 22nd, 2012 the Canada's Justice Minister announced the appointment of Mr. Justice Michael Tulloch to the Court of Appeal for Ontario.  Justice Tulloch, who formerly sat on the Superior Court in Brampton, replaces Mr. Justice Harry Laforme. 

     The appointment of Mr. Justice Tulloch is noteworthy because in addition to his outstanding qualifications and experience as a criminal prosecutor, defence lawyer and as a trial judge in one of Canada's bussiest trial courts, he is a man of African-Canadian racial background originally from Jamaica.  To the best of my knowledge Mr. Justice Tulloch is the first person of African descent to sit on the Court of Appeal for Ontario.  Bora Laskin was the first Jewish Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.  History will show that some were critical of his appointment but that at the end of the day he went on to become one of the most influencial jurists not just in Canada but in the common law world.
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