Latest on sore-loser Ex-Justice Stevens

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens continues to blast the Court for the decision in Citizens United.  It's no wonder Stevens is bitter.  He was on the losing side on the 4 biggest decisions thus far in this century

1.  Bush v. Gore (the worst decision so far in this century)

2.  Citizens United (expanding First Amendment values)

3.  D.C. v. Heller  (Second Amendment protects an individual right)

4.   McDonald v. Chicago (Second Amendment applies to states).

The latest bizarre twist is that Pres. Obama gave Stevens the "Medal of Freedom" award.  In 3 of the decisions above, Stevens voted against expanding rights.  Even more disgusting is that Stevens voted against the First Amendment in the landmark flag-burning cases (Texas v. Johnson, U.S. v. Eichman).  Stevens has also shown some hostility to Fourth Amendment rights.  This award may reflect Obama's hostility to  First and Second Amendments.   This award makes about as much sense as giving a Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and one to Pres.Obama.  Obama did nothing significant before getting the award and ultimately became  the President who took nearly 2 years to get us out of Iraq and still has us in Afghanistan  The most recent U.S. President to get an award was Jimmy  Carter who shepherded the end of 30 years of hot and cold war between Israel and Egypt with the Camp David Accords, and negotiated a significant arms control treaty with the Soviet Union. Obama wasn't even close to this.  What a crock these awards are!
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