The Nanny State: Mayor Bloomberg's latest.

Every once in a while the public gets a chance to look
inside the heads of wealthy, "progressive," politicians.  Many don’t like what they see. New York City Mayor
Michael Bloomberg has been a long-term advocate for gun control and other
liberal “reforms”  He recently  proposed a ban on the sale of large sodas and
other sugary drinks in restaurants, movie theaters, delis etc. in the hopes of
fighting obesity. Under his plan, such drinks would be limited to 16 fluid
ounces.  Libertarians are screaming in opposition
to this paternalistic, authoritarian approach to public health.  Of course, once we start down this slippery slope,
where does it stop.  Ban motorcycles and
ATV’s?  Ban skiing?  Oops, I forgot! That will never happen as it is a
favorite pastime for the rich and politically connected.  The main targets will be the poor, rednecks, rural residents, gun owners, hunters,  etc.  Liberals, for instance have attempted to prohibit law-abiding residents of public housing living in high crime areas from keeping legal weapons in their homes.  See this article for 7 other authoritarian Bloomberg proposals.  Personally, I don't need a Nanny, and I certainly don't want or need one with government power.  Is this a great country or what?  
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