Williams on public education
I hope you don't get tired of Walter Williams. He pierces the political crap and tells it like it is. He exposes the idiocy, lies and hypocrisy of the far left. (The far right has its share, but that's another topic.) In this article Williams exposes some of the liberal fraud about public education. Politicians in general, and liberals in particular love, to throw money on problems without any real plan or hope of success. Why? It's a convenient cover for pretending to have a solution and for buying votes. More money for teachers and technology, etc. do not solve the problems of inner-city schools. Teachers, teacher's unions, school bureaucrats and school boards love extra money. So do all the vendors and contractors who make profits. However, have you noticed that the problems never seem to get fixed no matter how much $ we throw at them? Look at D.C. The fundamental problems, violence in school, lack of parental support for education, peer group pressure against academic achievement, lax discipline, dumbed-down standards, teaching for tests, etc. are not tackled. While there are constitutional limits on how far government can intervene in the lives of children and families, poor parenting, single-parent household, etc. these problems can be addressed in a constitutional fashion. But, they are not, for ideological reasons. However, don't just blame the liberals. "Conservative" Pres. George W. Bush brought us the catastrophe known as no child left behind. Although I am not so sure that alternatives to public education are the cure, it's obvious that reason needs to prevail.