TIH: Various

[parentheticals added by blogger]


Gen. George Washington issued his farewell address to the Army near Princeton, N.J.


British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour expressed support for a national home for the Jews of Palestine in what became known as the Balfour Declaration.  [We know how this ultimately ended-up]


Charles Van Doren admitted to a House subcommittee that he had the questions and answers in advance of his appearances on the TV game show "Twenty-One."


South Vietnamese President Ngo Dihn Diem was assassinated in a military coup.  [ The Kennedy administration was complicit in this assassination]                             


Former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter defeated Republican incumbent Gerald R. Ford, becoming the first U.S. president from the Deep South since the Civil War.  [Good intentions, but largely a uninspiring and ultimately failed Presidency]


President Ronald Reagan signed a bill establishing a federal holiday on the third Monday of January in honor of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.


Californians rejected a ballot measure that would have made their state the first to [formally] legalize marijuana for recreational use.

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