Obama’s Drone War Is Probably Illegal: Will It Stop? - Slate Magazine

Obama’s Drone War Is Probably Illegal: Will It Stop? - Slate Magazine

See - http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/view_from_chicago/2012/10/obama_s_drone_war_is_probably_illegal_will_it_stop_.single.html

Eric Posner in Slate on Obama's drone dilemma State Department lawyer Harold Koh says the drone war in Pakistan is legal, but the only way it could be is if Pakistan consented to it—or "coerced consent," like if you walked into a jewelry store and the owner says you consented to purchase a $10,000 tiara despite your protests. The problem: International law is too weak to stop the U.S., leaving lawyers like Koh to make up interpretations.
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