The University of La Verne College of Law presents What Makes States Successful? Afghanistan and the Future of State Building April 15-17, 2010.
State failure is one of the most challenging public policy problems of our age. Despite the pressures of globalization on the autonomy of states, they remain the most important locations of institutions to promote justice and the welfare of the peoples of the world. States are vital to maintaining peace and security across the globe. We need states to succeed. But they sometimes fail. Why? And how do we turn failed states into successful states? This symposium examines these questions with a four-fold focus. First, the focus is on state failure that is either caused by or is in some way related to armed conflict within a state, either from a civil war or from armed intervention by intervening states, United Nations Security Council action, or otherwise. Second, the focus is on institutional solutions to state failure, with an emphasis on rule of law. Third, the focus is on developing action plans or protocols containing concrete solutions to help failed states become successful states. Fourth, the symposium focuses on Afghanistan. Afghanistan provides a rich source of data and experience on what works and what fails, although Afghanistan remains very much a work in progress. An important symposium aim is to produce policy guidance for future directions in that country. The symposium approach is multi-disciplinary, with the goal of learning from a diversity of views.
Keynote Speakers:
•H.E. Mohammad Eshak Aloko
Attorney General of Afghanistan
•Cherif Bassiouni
Distinguished Research Professor of Law, DePaul University
College of Law , President Emeritus of the International
Human Rights Law Institute
•Hon. Pierre-Richard Prosper
Former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
Panel Discussions Include:
•Are Protocols Possible?
•Constitutions, Multicultural Democracies, and Citizenship
•Criminal Justice
•Human Rights
•Immediate Post-Conflict Priorities
•Militaries and National Security Institutions
•Military Intervention
•Transitional Justice
Event Schedule:
Event Schedule
Panelists Include:
•Juan Botero
Rule of Law Index Director, World Justice Project
•Hon. David O. Carter
U.S. District Judge, Central District of California
•Feryal Cherif
Assistant Professor of Political Science,
University of California Riverside
•Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Associate Professor of Law, Chapman University School of Law
•Erin Daly
Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Widener University School of Law
•Michael Delaney
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for South Asia
•John Dempsey
Senior Rule of Law Adviser, Kabul,
United States Institute of Peace
•Jasteena Dhillon
Associate Fellow, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
•Elise Groulx Diggs
President, International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association
•Lew Diggs
Principal, L.H. Diggs Consulting Services
•Jonathan Eddy
Director, Asian Law Center; Manager, Afghanistan Legal Educators Project and Professor of Law, University of Washington School of Law
•Pierre Englebert
Professor of Politics, Pomona College
•Fatima Gailani
President, Afghanistan Red Crescent Society
•David Glazier
Professor of Law, Loyola Los Angeles Law School
•Tiffany Graham
Associate Professor of Law, University of La Verne College of Law
•Ric Grenell
Former Director of Communications and Public Diplomacy for the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Senior Vice President for Communications for DaVita, Inc.
•John Hall
Associate Professor of Law, Chapman University School of Law
•Hon. Kerry Murphy Healey
Former Lieutenant Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
•Col. V. Joshi
Canada Deputy Judge Advocate General/Military Justice and Administrative Law
•David Kaye
Executive Director, UCLA International Human Rights Program
•Steve Kraft
Director, Afghanistan-Pakistan Office, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State
•Hon. Stephen G. Larson
Partner, Girardi Keese
•LCol (Ret.) David Last
Professor of Political Science, Royal Military College of Canada
•John Linarelli
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law,
University of La Verne College of Law
•Grey Maggiano
Justice Program Manager, Afghanistan-Pakistan Office, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs,
U.S. Department of State
•Major Jeremy Marsh
U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, Charlottesville, VA
•Admiral (Ret.) Bruce MacDonald
former Judge Advocate General, U.S. Navy
•Col. Dominic D. McAlea
Canada Deputy Judge Advocate Regional Services Ottawa
•CDR Caren McCurdy
U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General
•Serge Michailof
former Executive Director Agence
Francaise de Développement
•Hon. Douglas P. Miller
Associate Justice, California Court of Appeal
•Hon. Robert O’Brien
Managing Partner, Arent Fox LLP; Co-Chair, U.S. Department of State Public-Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan
•Mary Ellen O’Connell
Robert and Marion Short Professor of Law and Research Professor of International Dispute Resolution, University of Notre Dame Law School
•Cesare Pinelli
Professor of Regional and Constitutional Law,
University of Rome La Sapienza
•Rohullah Qarizada
President, Afghanistan Independent Bar Association
•Lako Tongun
Associate Professor of International and Intercultural Studies,
Pitzer College
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