Scheduled Time: Sat, May 29 - 2:30pm - 4:15pm Building/Room: Renaissance / tba 03
Title Displayed in Event Calendar: CRN24 Rule of Law, State Building, and Transition--Roundtable--Success in Law and Development: Evaluating the Conventional Wisdom of Using Evidence from the Field 3403
Abstract: Law and development works involves Assessing existing rights and duties, Building capacity, Contesting existing and future rights and duties, Delegating the implementation of projects and Evaluating outcomes. This round table is made up of participants who have conducted extensive field work in developing and transitional economies. Drawing on their field work, each participant will give a short presentation about the extent to which a specific legal reform program has achieved its objectives. Thereafter, there will be a round table discussion covering a broader discussion on the role of legal reforms and what is working and what is not. At this point the audience will be invited to participate in the discussion.
Session chair: Amanda Perry-Kessaris, Birkbeck, University of London
Elin Cohen (University of Washington) evaluates the Kenyan government's efforts to improve the business climate and stimulate economic growth by supporting small business associations.
Jon Eddy (Univeristy of Washington) rethinks assumptions underlying US Rule of Law efforts in Afghanistan.
Kevin Fandl (American University) examines the relationship between weak rule of law, including business registration and legal compliance and the informal economy in Colombia.
Amanda Perry-Kessaris (Birkbeck, University of London) evaluates the World Bank's attempts to increase foreign direct investment by encouraging the Government of India to reform Indian laws and legal institutions.
Veronica Taylor (University of Washington/ Australian National University) presents new empirical findings from China that challenge the common assumptions about the benefits of clinical law programs and legal aid projects.
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